Sunday, February 3, 2013

Science/Speculative Fiction Review #18

I spend a great deal of my time every day reading speculative science fiction.  The rest of my time is spent asking the questions and questioning the answers that the science fiction I read creates. All of the stories I post contain elements of profound contemplation, varying philosophy, metaphysics, and theoretical pondering. The authors that create these stories are among my heroes in this reality, and I very much want to share them with you.   Although I read a great deal more than the stories I will post in these short reviews, I only want to share those pieces of text/audio that really stick with me and force my mind to ponder life, the universe, and everything. While I am delighted with nearly all that I read in this genre, I will make an attempt to only present the best of the best.

I've decided to take a new approach to these speculative fiction reviews and from now on I will simply list what I have read and rank them in the following way from highest to lowest quality/intrigue/creativity:


Mind blowing



Eon by Gregory bear -novel-



Hyperion by Dan Simmons -novel-



The Fall of Hyperion by Dan Simmons -novel-  



The Dancers at the End of Time -multiple novels and short stories-

Mind Blowing


The Forever War by Joe Halderman -novel-



Saturday, January 26, 2013

Science/Speculative Fiction Review #17

I spend a great deal of my time every day reading speculative science fiction.  The rest of my time is spent asking the questions and questioning the answers that the science fiction I read creates. All of the stories I post contain elements of profound contemplation, varying philosophy, metaphysics, and theoretical pondering. The authors that create these stories are among my heroes in this reality, and I very much want to share them with you.   Although I read a great deal more than the stories I will post in these short reviews, I only want to share those pieces of text/audio that really stick with me and force my mind to ponder life, the universe, and everything. While I am delighted with nearly all that I read in this genre, I will make an attempt to only present the best of the best.

I've decided to take a new approach to these speculative fiction reviews and from now on I will simply list what I have read and rank them in the following way from highest to lowest quality/intrigue/creativity:


Mind blowing



The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut -novel-



Call Me Murph by Mike Wood -flash story-


Read it here

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch by Philip K. Dick -novel-  



Blood Music by Gregory Bear -novel-



World War Z by Max Brooks -novel-

Mind Blowing
